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TIBETAN RELIGIONS   bet365vip 2017年11月20日

Author: Gazang Jia

Translated by: Zhu Jianting et.al.

Publisher: China Intercontinental Press


Table of Contents




Chapter One The Bon Religion

I. Dor-Bonism Period

II. Cha-Bonism period

III. Jo-Bonism period

IV. The monasteries of the Bon religion


Chapter Two Tibetan Buddhism

I. Origins of Tibetan Buddhsim

II. The formation of Tibetan Buddhism

(I) The Buddhism promotion achievements of Trisong Detsen

(II) Measures of Tritsuk Detsen on promoting Buddhism

(III) King Lang Darma’s persecution of Buddhism

III. Development of Tibetan Buddhism

(I) Propagation of Buddhism from Eastern Tibet

(II) Propagation of Buddhism from India

IV. Buddhist Sects

(I) The Nyingmapa

(II) The Kadampa

(III) The Sakyapa

(IV) The Kagyupa

(V) The Jonangpa

(VI) The Gelugpa

(VII) The Zhibyedpa

(VIII) The Gcodyulpa

(IX) The Bulugspa

V. Tibetan Buddhism monasteries

(I) The Monasteries of the Gelugpa

(II) The Monasteries of the Nyingmapa

(III) The Monasteries of the Kagyupa

(IV) The Monasteries of the Sakyapa

(V) The Monasteries of the Jonangpa


Chapter Three Christianity

I. History of Roman Catholicism in Tibet

II. History of rise and decline of Christianity in Batang

(I) Emerging and decline of Catholicism

(II) Emerging and decline of Christianity

III. History and current development of Catholicism in Yanjing

(I) Checkered history of Catholicism in Yanjing

(II) Catholic Church and its Tibetan believers


Chapter Four Islam

I. Mosque and Muslims in Lhasa

(I) The development of the Great Mosque of Lhasa

(II) Life of Muslim residents of Lhasa

II. History and culture of the Mosque of Qamdo

(I) Historical evolution and cultural background of the Mosque of Qamdo

(II) The Mosque of Qamdo and Muslim families today

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